

Short description: Assists with overcoming an inner sense of loss or fragmentation, clears blocks to wholeness and fulfilment ….. 

For a full description, please read below.

Available in two sizes: 50ml at $18 and 100ml at $25.

SKU: Ess_089_reclaim Category:


Reclaim essence helps us to reclaim our whole self. Many of us can feel an inner sense of loss or fragmentation resulting from abandonment, betrayal, rejection, lost love or broken relationships.

On a non-conscious level we can block that which we desire and that which is good for us due to this loss or fragmentation. This mindset can set up hurdles in our path that prevent us from becoming whole again.

This essence helps to dissipate these blocks. It heals us at a core level and opens us up to the possibility of fulfilment and wholeness. It brings us full circle from pain to a state of joy and happiness.

Reclaim gives the very clear message of the past belongs there. It is here to bring us into the present, to stop us rejecting the love, healing and happiness that is available to all and to be able to receive that which is good for us.

We learn to allow the universal gifts of love, joy and happiness, whichever form these gifts will take, back into our life.

These gifts may be a relationship with a partner, a child, a friend. It may be work that is part of our soul life plan, or it may be some other form of gift which enables us to grow either emotionally, spiritually or professionally.

Whatever forms these gifts take, this beautiful essence allows us to be open to receive all that is available.

This essence also helps us to reclaim those traits which may have diminished with some challenges. It might be that our determination has waned, or it may be that we have lost some of our drive. Whatever it may be that we want to reclaim, this essence helps us to draw these qualities back into our life.

Additional information

Weight .5 kg
Dimensions 5 × 5 × 15 cm

50ml, 100ml